
Introducing Our New Course Series: CAT Tools for Interpreters

We are excited to announce the launch of our new course series, “CAT Tools for Interpreters.” This innovative series of workshops is dedicated to learning most of the CAT Tools available to translators and interpreters, more specifically setting up and utilizing the general features of Interpretbank and Wordfast Pro, comprehensive tools designed to elevate efficiency […]

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Empowering Mayan Voices: A Journey into Interpretation with Comunidad Maya Pixan Ixim

In April 2024, Comunidad Maya Pixan Ixim asked me to teach an introductory course in court, community, and medical interpreting for beginning and intermediate Mayan interpreters. Pixan Ixim is a grassroots organization based in Omaha, Nebraska whose mission is to improve the health and well-being of the Maya people through community development strategies in Omaha, […]

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Continuing Education Offering – May Mastery!

Are you a court interpreter looking to enhance your skills and specialize in certain areas? Whether you’re working with indigenous communities, navigating the complexities of the judicial arena, or facilitating communication in sensitive contexts like foster care or divorce proceedings, specialized training is essential to meet the unique challenges of interpretation. I am partnering with […]

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Indigenous Peoples Day

Growing up in Mexico, I was taught to observe Columbus Day as a national holiday to celebrate the discovery of America. Another name used for this holiday was Día de La Raza (Day of Race) in memoriam of the battle held by indigenous peoples and colonizers in 1492 after the New World was discovered by […]

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Jobs: Senior Court Interpreter in Ventura, CA

I have good news for those colleagues thinking to join the in-house interpreter ranks in the state of California. A new position for a Senior Court Interpreter in Ventura Superior Court is waiting for you! If you don’t know, Ventura is a beautiful coastal city with awesome weather and great people! Join a great team […]

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Dissecting a Translation Scammer Email

Translation scammers have been present more than ever during this pandemic, taking advantage of our colleagues who may be desperate to get some work in a world where everything suddenly stopped. This post may sound redundant as there are many other T&I colleagues and associations doing research, tagging, keeping record, and breaking it down for […]

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