Aprende locuciones y refranes mexicanos: testimonio de un participante

El año pasado tuve el placer de impartir junto con mi gran colega Frida Blum los cursos “Refranero mexicano” y “Locuciones mexicanas”, dos webinars diseñados para sumergirnos en la riqueza lingüística y cultural del español hablado en México. Estas sesiones no solo tuvieron por objeto enseñar frases y refranes, sino también contextualizarlos dentro de la cultura popular, el […]

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The Power of Words: Why the Terms Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Languages Matter

Language is so important, and it has a lot of power. It shapes how we see things, creates our stories, and connects us to our history and culture. When we’re talking about Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Languages, the words we use are really important. It’s not just about being politically correct. It’s about showing respect, […]

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Empowering Mayan Voices: A Journey into Interpretation with Comunidad Maya Pixan Ixim

In April 2024, Comunidad Maya Pixan Ixim asked me to teach an introductory course in court, community, and medical interpreting for beginning and intermediate Mayan interpreters. Pixan Ixim is a grassroots organization based in Omaha, Nebraska whose mission is to improve the health and well-being of the Maya people through community development strategies in Omaha, […]

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