El año pasado tuve el placer de impartir junto con mi gran colega Frida Blum los cursos “Refranero mexicano” y “Locuciones mexicanas”, dos webinars diseñados para sumergirnos en la riqueza lingüística y cultural del español hablado en México. Estas sesiones no solo tuvieron por objeto enseñar frases y refranes, sino también contextualizarlos dentro de la cultura popular, el […]
Language Access During a Pandemic…and Fires!
Volunteering in our profession may be gratifying in times of peril, but in this pandemic, even those who help are under economic and personal danger as well.
Translationese in Legal Translation: Presentation at NAJIT 2016
After a brief hiatus giving presentations on translation and interpreting topics, I decided to resume my training activities and submitted a proposal to the National Association of Judiciary Translators and Interpreters (NAJIT). I am delighted to announce that I will be part of a select group of people who will present seminars and workshops during […]
Translators, Translations and Beyond
The translation industry has been evolved during the last twenty years, and with more than 46.7 million of Spanish-speakers, which account for 15.4% of the total population in the U.S., there has been a need to address the needs of this population segment by way of translations, and the so-called “trans-creations.” Many U.S. based marketing […]